Unlimited highly personalised client reporting

CURO is fully configurable meaning that you can build, or have built for you, exactly the reports you want in your system and have them branded as your own. Using powerful report wizards, aggregating data from across CURO, custom reports can be developed for your clients, for the management of your business, and for the regulator. Imagine business critical reports arriving in your inbox every Monday morning automatically.

Fully editable by the end user, CURO’s dashboards render data in a visually engaging way. You can present exactly the information that is needed, whatever the context. Dashboards can highlight who you need to contact and allow you to connect with them either by mail merge or by email, at the click of a button.

This and much more is possible with CURO. Deploying add-ons such as XperiDo and DocuSign will deliver you more control than you ever imagined you could have around document creation.

Unlimited highly personalised client reporting